Birds’ pregnancy time is usually very short, approx 24 hours, that’s it, and it is also possible that you miss it. But there are obviously some pregnant bird symptoms that […]
Crows are everyday birds. They belong to the “Corvus” family that includes jays, ravens, magpies, nutcrackers, rooks, and choughs. Crows are intelligent species carrying the largest brain size compared to […]
Are crows loyal to their partners? Yes, they are true to their partners. Unlike humans, there are no particular rules in the crow community, but crows are socially monogamous. But […]
The fastest way to breed pigeons? Let them be. Pigeon are some of the fastest breeders and will raise anywhere between four to six broods of two eggs per brood […]
Now there’s a sight. Pigeon kissing each other… do they? The short answer to that question is no, pigeons do not kiss each other. As much as I would like to […]
Over thousands of years, humans have very close proximity with pigeons and coexisted together in the same space. They are the firsts among domestic birds raised for meat and communication […]
Pigeons are friendly birds that can be found in most places. City pigeons or feral pigeons have adapted to the city living and are seen almost everywhere. There are many […]
Flocks of pigeons at parks and beaches are quite a common sight. Often in grey, black, white, etc. There will always be a flock crowding in parks and spacious lanes. […]
Considering the number of pigeons we see out in the world, it is pretty understandable that pigeons easily overbreed. They can lay quite a good number of eggs every year, […]
Baby pigeons are adorable, miniature versions of mature pigeons. As you look at these precious creatures, you may be wondering, “When can baby pigeons feed themselves?” At only 20 to […]